Tortle Ninja Development Update | Public Tests
Our diligent development team just finished our Sprint 25! ๐
Everything goes as planned, and the most important milestones of this sprint are multi-call execution of SMs; and a subgraph for the Testnet. By this, we can actually farm there.
We also made some stress tests these past few days and all SM does not consume much gas and it works well in terms of time. Hands up and thanks to FTM architecture. ๐
Our team also wanted to share some evaluations we are doing to test our recipes. Here we design this recipe ๐
This recipe adds 5 FTM and swaps them for BOO tokens in case FTM goes lower than $1,22. That condition happened days ago, specifically last March 17, 20:17 UTC.
Now, let's see what our execution engine did, and whatโs better than going to the Fantom Block Explorer.
In the least than 20 seconds, after Chainlink published their price update, we just made four transactions composed as one that end up with the user being able to sell this $FTM and bought some $BOO with them.
All for just $0.6 ๐
Keep in mind this is just a very basic recipe, a proof of concept, but our execution engine can go beyond.
We are also creating some other tests, like this one:
On this one tx, 46 transactions have been made, with splits and swaps. All together, in just a few seconds, and just for a price of $0.76. All transactions have been composed in one, making it faster and cheaper, showing the power of Tortle Ninjaโs execution engine.
About Tortle Ninja
Tortle Ninja is a no-code decentralized financial tool that was built to enable retail investors, fintech, and crypto enthusiasts to create combined DeFi strategies.
Tortle users can create combinations of DeFi operations by linking the nodes and defining a strategy. You can split, create a limit, stop-loss orders, and even more complex strategies. Tortle will validate the operation results and the composition of the operation if it is valid or invalid.
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